
Current News

MSON Sends a Message of Hope in Yale-China Association Poetry Reading

MSON Sends a Message of Hope in Yale-China Association Poetry Reading

Watch the video below of 16 students from the MSON Chinese V course reciting “You are the April of This World” by Lin Huiyin (你是人间的四月天-林徽因 ). Our Chinese V course involves students across the country—from Connecticut to Minnesota to D.C.—who are passionate about...

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MSON Welcomes Charlotte Latin School

MSON Welcomes Charlotte Latin School

MSON is thrilled to welcome Charlotte Latin as our 27th Malone School member. A Malone School since 2006, Charlotte Latin serves over 1,400 students in grades TK-12. 

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Hybrid Perspectives & Tips

Hybrid Perspectives & Tips

MSON has continued to expand our professional development activities. As schools across the country move from remote to hybrid, we have worked with the Bay Area BlendEd consortium to compile resources on hybrid teaching. This living document will continue to evolve. A...

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Political Identity and the Magic of MSON

Political Identity and the Magic of MSON

When I tell the story of the Malone Schools Online Network, I often recount how, on the morning after the 2016 election, students gathered in one of our classes with tears in their eyes, dismayed at the election results. Students from another part of the country then...

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Haley Prescott – Porter-Gaud School

Haley Prescott – Porter-Gaud School

This edition of Student Spotlight shines on Porter-Gaud School’s Haley Prescott. 1. Tell me a bit about yourself?     I am a senior attending Porter-Gaud High School. Outside of academics I tend to be a busy body and thoroughly enjoy partaking in my different hobbies....

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Dr. John Aden – Canterbury School

Dr. John Aden – Canterbury School

This edition of Teacher Spotlight shines on Canterbury School’s Dr. John Aden. John teaches MSON’s course, “Diversity in a Global Comparative Perspective,” wears many hats at Canterbury, runs an African American History museum, has taught at the college level from...

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Design to Make a Difference

Design to Make a Difference

Design to Make a Difference (D2MD) is a design/engineering program that combines Maker-Education with altruism. The founders, Graig Marx and Dave Piemme of MSON member school Winchester Thurston, strive to increase STEM Equity through professional development for...

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Stories from the Front: A Round Table on Hybrid Teaching

Stories from the Front: A Round Table on Hybrid Teaching

Here in California where I sit, most students are still learning fully online. Following the various state and country school reopening guidelines has been a roller coaster ride for educators, with protocols and timelines changing practically weekly. Many schools have...

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‘Office Hours’ with Claire Goldsmith

‘Office Hours’ with Claire Goldsmith

Claire Goldsmith was recently invited to sit down with the team at R.E.A.L.Discussion to be a part of their Office Hours series, which recruits experts from within the field of education and beyond to share their specific knowledge and perspective. The article below...

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MSON Welcomes Columbus Academy

MSON Welcomes Columbus Academy

MSON is pleased to welcome its 26th member school, Columbus Academy in Gahanna, Ohio. A Malone School since 2010, Columbus Academy serves students in Pre-K-12. We are thrilled to welcome their students into MSON courses.

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Join Us to Design Online Learning v. 2.0!

Join Us to Design Online Learning v. 2.0!

Since the onset of COVID-19, MSON has helped schools across the globe transition to online learning, emphasizing the role of the real-time classes for connection and community. Now, many of our schools have an opportunity to engage in thoughtful planning for a school...

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