Taking an MSON class was possibly the most rewarding decision I made this year. My favorite part of the MSON program is having the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and take courses that USN would not traditionally offer.

In my case, I am in the Advanced Macroeconomics class, but many other students at USN use the program to learn about Arabic, Multivariable Calculus, or even Bob Dylan’s America, to name a few. Advanced Macroeconomics offers material that I have less experience with, and I get to learn alongside a fresh community of teachers and students. The more infrequent meetings drove me to develop myself as an independent learner outside of the classroom. The way the class meets also breaks my day up differently and has given me some blocks of time I can use in new ways. After spending over 3 years in high school, I can occasionally feel the senioritis creeping up on me. But, thanks to MSON, I get the sense that I am breaking new academic ground every week.