Building Dialogue
Building Dialogue Across Political Differences:
Strategies for Engaged Learning
The Power of Dialogue
Communicate and discuss the behaviors and attitudes that exemplify a dialogue mindset.
Develop a common language for identifying and understanding different stages of the thinking process.
Engage students in distinguishing between different forms of communicative interaction
PDF of workshop slides.
Narrative 4: The Power and Impact of Empathy in Action
The Rider & the Elephant
Listen to Jonathan Haidt explain the importance of persuading the elephant in order to convince the rider, as well as the benefits of choosing curiosity mode over combat mode in political and other discourse moments.
Resources for Balanced Research & Civic Engagement
AllSides Media Solutions company that provides news from left, center, and right, instructional tools for increasing students’ media literacy through media bias ratings, and online civil dialogue programs.
Close Up Foundation nonprofit organization offering classroom resources on civic engagement and issue-centered education, in addition to experiential and virtual learning programs.
Heterodox Academy nonpartisan nonprofit providing tools and resources for promoting open inquiry and viewpoint diversity across educational institutions.
Third Thought: Initiatives for Civic Engagement – A hub for youth-led initiatives focused on viewpoint diversity, civic engagement, and creative collaboration.
Narrative 4 – Learn how to shatter preconceived ideas, develop empathy, and build community through the process of story exchange.